Every month I answer reader questions about life, love, and queso as a spirited Texan named “Boots.” Quite often I also have the privilege of profiling people and well-loved travel destinations. Poetry assignments don’t come around as much, but when they do—I faint, then cheer, then write for weeks to find the right 20 words to put in print.

Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

“This Moment is Enough” Magnolia Journal

For their “balance” issue, Magnolia Journal requested one of my “They Will Tell You” vignettes. The piece is short yet hits on a larger topic I am always drawn to: the push and pull of finding one’s way through the world.

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Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

Dear Boots: The Valentine’s Day Edition

Love relationships get a lot of hype on Valentine’s Day. In this month’s column, Boots gives air time to the value of friendship—and maybe even fixin’ up any that could use a little TLC.

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Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

“Less is More” Faith and Leadership

DaySpring is a church in Waco that is contemplative and Baptist. What does that mean? The Divinity School at Duke University has a magazine called Faith & Leadership, and they sent me in to find out.

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Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

Dear Boots: Waco Renaissance + The Best Summer Ever

Waco is a small town with big dreams and Boots has thoughts about those ch-ch-ch-changes. In this issue she also offers advice to parents angling for the best summer ever. (Spoiler: Slow the roll, y’all.)

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Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

Emily Knighton Artist Spotlight, Wacoan Magazine

Emily Knighton is not just a gifted artist, she’s also a gift to Waco. Along with art skills, her classes gently instruct children and adults alike on how to create space in this busy world.

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Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

Dear Boots: St. Paddy Birthday + Sofa Disputes

What do you do when your special day is also special for millions of green-beer revelers? Followed by advice for a husband who has temporarily forgotten his wife is more important than his ugly old couch.

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Anna Mitchael Anna Mitchael

“Capturing Home” Magnolia Journal

Kate Martindale + Amy Neunsinger have a 14 year friendship at the base of their creative partnership. This dynamic puts so much trust into their design process, it was a joy to go deep into their work for this feature about Capturing Home, their show on Magnolia Network.

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